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Youtube channel settings that harm your business. Part 2

Wanting to help you promote your business channels, we often talk about how and what you need to do.

Wanting to help you promote your business channels, we often talk about how and what you need to do. Today, on the contrary, we give recommendations on what not to do: we correct the default platform settings, give proven advice and help you catch your target audience on the Internet.

In our articles, we are guided not so much by the help of other experts, but by personal experience - for example, what we received while working on a common Youtube channel with the Meizu company.

Ready to improve your business performance in just a few clicks? Then let's go!

We work with video

Let's start with a simple, even fun Youtube setting that you can find by looking in the editing panel of any of your videos. It's called: "Places Mentioned or Shown." As the name suggests, the checkmark next to this item will show your viewers... your location. Why you need it is not entirely clear - we don’t need stalkers! — but we definitely recommend getting rid of the checkbox.

Under “License” - right there in video editing - we advise you to abandon the column “Publish in the Subscriptions feed and send a notification to subscribers” if your content does not always follow the same topic. Because otherwise, the algorithm will recommend your videos, say, about football, to the same audience to which another of your videos, say a movie review, was recently advertised. 

Why is this harmful to the channel? Because a viewer who is interested in films is not necessarily interested in football. He won’t watch your video, and Youtube will think that the video is not being watched because the material is presented poorly and will simply stop recommending you.

Scroll down and find “Categories”. By default, Youtube may assign you an incorrect or inaccurate category, so we recommend setting it yourself to ensure your videos are shown to a more appropriate audience.

We lure subscribers

Having figured out how to edit new and existing videos, let's move on to an equally important component of running a business channel: working with subscribers. 

And let's start, again, with simple advice: add a link to the channel - with the ability to immediately subscribe to it - to your description. It's corny, but it works! You'd be surprised how many people would press that button if it was so blatantly staring them in the face.

In the “Analytics” section, in the “Audience” tab, pay attention to when your viewers usually come to the platform - we are interested in the brightest pink stripes. Make a schedule for releasing videos according to this data in order to catch the eye of as many of your subscribers as possible.

There is also one interesting tab in “Channel Settings”: “Branding”. So, many people often forget about the logo, which can be added here. It must have a call to action - “Subscribe to the channel!” It is worth installing such a logo for the entire length of the video, and not just some part of it.

Playing around with the settings

Let’s move on to the “Settings” of our “Studio”, because we are not quite finished here yet. In the “Video Upload” tab, click on “Basic information” and change the access parameters from open to “by link”. This is an important point for those who strictly follow the schedule and do not want to show their videos to the viewer at the wrong time.

In the advanced settings of the “Channel” tab, we recommend checking the “Allow viewers to create clips with my content” box. You may think that this is our personal opinion, but for your channel this is nothing more than free advertising.

Here we complete the second part of our analysis of the main mistakes in running a Youtube channel. Yes, not all of these settings are catastrophic, but overall they have an impact on how you interact with your business account and your audience - and some can actually destroy your channel in the bud.

We hope that our tips helped you, and if our article was not enough, then you can always contact Lava Media specialists, who have many years of experience in running and promoting Youtube channels in Russia and abroad.

Youtube channel settings that harm your business. Part 2

If I'm not shooting or promoting videos today, it means the end of the world has come