The animator at work

How is Expandi similar to DaVinci?

In the node-based structure.

In the node-based structure.

Or rather, in the visualization of processes – it’s fascinating to see how different tools, from marketing platforms like Zapier or Expandi to more complex post-production software like Blender or DaVinci, incorporate process visualization into their interfaces.

In the past, you had multiple fields where you’d input data and then check the results. For example, in color grading: you’d adjust contrast in one field, tweak saturation in another, and configure a mask in a third. Now, this has evolved into a node-based system: one node represents a complex set of adjustments (as shown on the right side of the screenshot). It’s much easier to navigate the cause-and-effect relationships of these settings. If you’ve adjusted the image but something feels off, you can simply toggle nodes on and off sequentially to pinpoint the issue.

It’s similar to setting up a sequence of actions for a bot in Expandi (for LinkedIn automation): first, you send a connection request, then you like a post, and finally, you send a message. In color grading, you can also reorder nodes, much like rearranging actions in Expandi – for example, moving the “like” after the “message.”

Interestingly, Apple Shortcuts work in a similar way. I feel like this approach is the future of simplifying all complex interfaces. What do you think?

How is Expandi similar to DaVinci?

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